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What account is in my best interest ?
Regular Checking

Minimum to Open $100

Twelve temporary checks at time of account open

Temporary checks request after open - $5.00

Check images with statement

Minimum Balance Service Charge
Long Horn Checking

Minimum to Open $100

No charge for longhorn check order with NO limit on check writing per month

No charge for notary service

$10,000 Accidental Death Insurance

No charge for copies

No charge for Money Orders

Check images with statement

$11.00 monthly service charge

Senior Citizen Checking

Minimum to open $100.00

Offered to those age 60 and over

Twelve temporary checks at time of account open

Check images with statement

Temporary checks request after account opens - $5.00

$1.00 monthly service charge

Now Checking

Minimum to Open $1,500.00

Interest will not be calculated if balance falls below $1,500 anytime during the month

Twelve temporary checks at time of account open – Free

Temporary checks request after open - $5.00

Check images with statement

No limit on checks written per month

Minimum balance $1,500 Service Charge $0

Balance falls below $1,500 Service Charge $7.00 + $.10 per additional item

Super Now Checking

Minimum to Open $2,500.00

Interest will not be calculated if balance falls below $2,500 anytime

during the month

Twelve temporary checks at time of account open

Temporary checks request after open - $5.00

Check images with statement

No limit on checks written per month

Minimum Balance $2,500 Service Charge $0

Below $2,500 service charge $7.00 + $.10 per additional item


Minimum to open $50.00

Limited withdrawals up to six per statement cycle

Interest compounded and paid quarterly

No interest paid on accounts with balances less than $50.00

$1.00 fee in excess of three per quarter

Regular Checking

Minimum to Open $100

Long Horn Checking

Minimum to Open $100

Senior Citizen Checking

Minimum to open $100.00

Now Checking

Minimum to Open $1,500.00

Super Now Checking

Minimum to Open $2,500.00


Minimum to open $50.00

Regular Checking

Twelve temporary checks at time of account open

Temporary checks request after open - $5.00

Check images with statement

Long Horn Checking

No charge for longhorn check order with NO limit on check writing per month

No charge for notary service

$10,000 Accidental Death Insurance

No charge for copies

No charge for Money Orders

Check images with statement

Senior Citizen Checking

Offered to those age 60 and over

Twelve temporary checks at time of account open

Check images with statement

Now Checking

Interest will not be calculated if balance falls below $1,500 anytime during the month

Twelve temporary checks at time of account open – Free

Temporary checks request after open - $5.00

Check images with statement

No limit on checks written per month

Super Now Checking

Interest will not be calculated if balance falls below $2,500 anytime

during the month

Twelve temporary checks at time of account open

Temporary checks request after open - $5.00

Check images with statement

No limit on checks written per month


Limited withdrawals up to six per statement cycle

Interest compounded and paid quarterly

No interest paid on accounts with balances less than $50.00

Regular Checking
Minimum Balance Service Charge
Long Horn Checking

$11.00 monthly service charge

Senior Citizen Checking

Temporary checks request after account opens - $5.00

$1.00 monthly service charge

Now Checking

Minimum balance $1,500 Service Charge $0

Balance falls below $1,500 Service Charge $7.00 + $.10 per additional item

Super Now Checking

Minimum Balance $2,500 Service Charge $0

Below $2,500 service charge $7.00 + $.10 per additional item


$1.00 fee in excess of three per quarter

Certificates of Deposits


When it comes to earning money on your deposits, a certificate of deposit provides good security.

At First American Bank, you have a lot of choices with competitive rates. Please contact Jeanette Hayes or Julie Ward to discuss your options.

Types Of Accounts For Certificates Of Deposits

  • 3 Months

  • 6 Months

  • 12 Months

  • 18 Months

  • 24 Months

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Regular Checking

Account Balance

Service Charge
$500 and above$1.00

Account Balance

$500 and above
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